Small community looking for runners?
6 years ago
United States

Phantom Dust (PC/Xbox)

We're a relatively small community of 4 speedrunners so far, but two or three others have indicated an interest as well from our community. Think of the game similar to Magic the Gatheringe but used in realtime with a semi-destructible environment.

The route and game can be learned in a day, but I'd be lying if I said that was all that's needed for a shot at the top. We do have a very supportive community though and we're happy to share any information we have available!

French Southern Territories

@Sandstorm187 Seydie is definitely not looking for games, and there was no point in continuing this thread. Posting on one thread is enough, please don't promo on more than one.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ivory likes this

Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End. I'm the only "HD" runner. (PS3/360) and the other versions don't have much love either.

Lower Austria, Austria

you can try double dragon 2 i have wr its easy game you can learn in one day

Vermont, USA

Oooh check my profile, I mod a handful of games made by Sokpop where there are at most 3 runners. The games are very easy to learn, and I would love some competition / someone else working on strats!

Tenerife, Canary Islands

Spirits & Spells / Castleween GBA is very good, controls really well and precise, its short and easy to run There's a Discord for it but it only has 5 members (including me) and has barely any activity at all.


Wow old thread. Anyway, as I have a bit more time and motivation I am going to take a look at the suggestions. Thanks!

Merl_, Quivico and 3 others like this

@Seydie Does this mean you're open to even more suggestions? Because I'd very much like to see more people try out Grippy.


@hahhah42 yea! Grippy seems interesting but quite tricky/difficult, I'll give it a shot!

O.D.W. and hahhah42 like this
New York, USA

Top 10 Plot Twists no one expected The return of Seydie

For real though welcome back and I'm glad we kept this thread populated with ideas for you and anyone else.

Merl_, Quivico and 3 others like this

Tbh, this thread shouldn't only be for Seydie but also for other runners as well if they're looking for some obscure games to run too

Jubilee, Lieutenant_Boo and 4 others like this
French Southern Territories

[quote=Merl_]Seydie is definitely not still looking for games, and there was no point in continuing this thread.[/quote]


Edited by the author 3 years ago
Quivico, Seydie and 2 others like this
French Southern Territories

I don't usually partake in these threads, but I run almost exclusively small games so I'll suggest a few

Mobility! The game has like 15 total runners ( more than 5) but not including the any% NMG category (which can be learned in a day), almost all of the categories are unloved. I'm the only person who has run what is, in my opinion, the best category (excluding the most popular one, contact NMG). Almost every category has less than 5 runners. The game is a simple platforming game. The player's moveset consists of a midair jump, a long jump, and a double jump which works similarly to the triple jump in the newer mario games. In order to complete a level, you have to touch each platform in the level at least once (and on some difficulty modes, exactly once). This mechanic was supposed to prevent any major skips, however that's almost never the case. Creative and out-of-the-box thinking allowed the community to create a complex route through almost every level, resulting in a speedrun that never follows the dev-intended route, despite not using any glitches. However, if you are into glitches, Mobility has a fair share of those as well. Whether you like clipping through walls, or literally warping to the end credits from a fresh save file, there's something for everyone here. Even if you aren't interested in running it, I'd highly recommend playing it casually

Winterwood uhhhh it's getting late so I won't be able to fully desribe everything right now check back on this post same time tomorrow if you want more suggestions ill just link a bunch of games below now


SBBP A lot of runners for this one but almost all the runs are from multiple years ago, myself and Output are the only "active" runners

Seydie and O.D.W. like this
United States

I kinda focus running games with small or non-existent communities, so this is kind of my place to be. Alas, I'm still working through what runs I've already taken up doing, but rest assured these kinds of threads always have my attention.

I suppose I'll contribute what I run to continue the cycle. I'm the only active runner for all of these, excluding the Bibi Blocksberg ones (which has one other runner).

Rune Factory 1 (Obligatory, as my first speedgame): (And, well, practically the whole series too, outside of RF4)

Harvest Moon directly mixed together with a fantasy RPG. The fastest of any game in the series thanks to a pile of tricks and speedtech discovered about two years ago (the only boom of interest it's ever had), it's even got ACE if that's your kind of thing. Whether you want it to be a rhythm game or a frantic boss rush, it's kind of adaptable in what the runs are. I've got detailed notes on almost everything, and I'm always up to talk about the game. I can personally teach you everything you'd need to know for RF1, and a lot for RF2, and maybe even a bit for RF3.

It's worth noting that the JP version has a distinct advantage in ACE and child glitch, the Cooking Glitch, but I'm looking to change that with a still rather fast route usable on any version of the game, intended for a separate category. If my DS wasn't presently in pieces while I wait on a soldering kit, I'd be making videos on it and doing runs for the neglected categories.

Iris and the Giant:

Like tower-crawlers with card based combat, but looking for something more unique? Here it is! Mechanically simple, it plays like a puzzle game based on fighting rows and rows of enemies to reach the staircase to the next floor, with the twist that all but 2 or 3 rare cards are single use. You have to keep up the supply of cards by the random packs supplied in each chest, or by using special cards to steal more off your opponents. We've got fast runs, we've got a long run, and we've got plenty of room for routing. It's a very fun run, personally, though it does bug out a bit sometimes.

It's also just great casually, and has a heartfelt, bittersweet story. If there's any game on this list I'd want someone to pick up, it's actually this one. I'm really the only runner here as well.

Lastly, I present Bibi & Tina: Adventures With Horses and Bibi Blocksberg: Big Broom Race 3

Why do I run these? Because they needed more runners, and the games were on sale at the time. Bibi Blocksberg is a German children's franchise about young witches originating in radio shows, and there's a decent number of janky, kinda low budget games made for it.

Adventures With Horses is a rather chill game focusing around a few time trials made around the plot of a movie nearly 3 years older than the game. It's a very casual speedrun, and while there's a few tricks and skips to it, you can feel free to just chill. I might even be bringing it's sequel game to the site soon at some point.

Big Broom Race 3 is a sort of Mario Kart clone with an odd, kinda janky, but interesting drift mechanic. It's a pretty decent set of categories overall, and I'd run it more if it didn't run so awfully on my PC. The three on the end isn't random, it is actually a series, and the other runner is presently working on bringing the first one to the site.

The other two I run are Castlevania: Judgement, which isn't much but a grind with a hint of self-loathing (but breaking an 11 year old record was worth it), and Milano No Arubaito, which while cute and quite fun, is awfully hard to get a hold of on the terms of it being nearly abandonware.

If anyone's interest is piqued by any of these feel free to message me here or on Discord about any of the games I've listed. I'll have my eyes on this thread as well, particularly for once I've really opened my schedule again.

(Apologies for the megapost!)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
tyshoe and Seydie like this
Arizona, USA

ah, I see we're promoting super unpopular games.

Ok but seriously, is a super fun and quick html5 webgame that deserves more attention

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Seydie and O.D.W. like this

Good luck running this tho

Seydie and O.D.W. like this

Woah so many games! I will check them out! It might take some time to be able to run them all, but I will make a list and run them soon ^^ some games look really interesting.

Ivory and O.D.W. like this
United States The game is a free game offered with PS plus for April of 2021. I tried it out and had much more fun than I imagined. I ended up doing a speedrun for the game and got world record on my first run. Would love to compete with others. It is straightforward and there are no special strats as of now. My current WR waiting to be verified is 3:52:02.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Seydie likes this

3 years no reply, but i am gonna revive this thread :)

take a look at this game, there are many different paths that can lead to a perfect time

United Kingdom

I am looking for a game to play during my free time in kitchen at Eurotins

Edited by the author 11 days ago